The Becoming Superwoman Course - Propel Your Passion
Because Every Woman is Already a SuperWoman. It's Just Our Job to Uncover Her.
Dates: Twice Monthly Beginning May 2021
Bi-Monthly Group Meetings
Guided Mindset & Empowerment Coaching
Lead By Elite Leadership Trainers
Support & Fun With Friends Worldwide
Welcome to this course
FREE PREVIEWLive Meeting: Welcome! 17 October 2020 at 10am US Eastern Time
Introduction Video: Module 1 - Archetypal Leadership Model © (The Maiden)
Workbook: Module 1
Live Meeting: Module 1 (Dreams) - October 24
Reflection Question: Module 1
Introduction Video: Module 2 - Naturally Creative, Resourceful, and Whole With Isabelle
Workbook: Module 2
Live Meeting: Module 2 (NCRW) - November 7
Reflection Question: Module 2
Introduction Video: Module 3 - The magical science of storytelling | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholm
Workbook: Module 3
Live Meeting: Module 3 (Storytelling) - November 21
Reflection Question: Module 3
Introduction Video: Module 4 - Archetypal Leadership Model © (The Temptress)
Workbook: Module 4
Live Meeting: Module 4 (Being Me) - December 5
Reflection Question: Module 4
Introduction Video: Module 5 - The Curiosity Cure with Izzy
Workbook: Module 5
Live Meeting: Module 5 (Curiosity) - December 19
Reflection Question: Module 5
Introduction Video Module 6: Shirzad Chamine on Saboteurs | Ted Talk
Workbook: Module 6
Live Meeting: Module 6 (Saboteurs & Crewmembers) - January 9, 2021
Reflection Question: Module 6
Introduction Video: Module 7 - Archetypal Leadership Model © (The Mother)
Workbook: Module 7
Live Meeting: Module 7 (Quests) - January 23
Reflection Question: Module 7
Introduction Video: Module 8 - Why We Get Mad (and why it's healthy)
Workbook: Module 8
Live Meeting: Module 8 (Emotions) - February 6
Reflection Question: Module 8
Introduction Video: Module 9 - Coactive Leadership Model
Workbook: Module 9
Live Meeting: Module 9 (Leadership) - February 20
Reflection Question: Module 9
Introduction Video: Module 10 - Archetypal Leadership Model © (The Crone)
Workbook: Module 10
Live Meeting: Module 10 (Systems & Teams) - March 6
Reflection Question: Module 10
Introduction Video: Module 11 - Assumption Breaking Practices with Carmen Westbrook
Workbook: Module 11
Live Meeting: Module 11 (Assumptions) - March 20
Reflection Question: Module 11
Introduction Video: Module 12 - Lessons from a Dancing Man
Workbook: Module 12
Live Meeting: Module 12 (Building a Movement) - April 3
Reflection Question: Module 12
Isabelle Lee-Gelard
Carmen Westbrook
It's Time to Fly, Superwomen